We have received some reports from CentOS 7 / CloudLinux 7 users of CURL Error code 77 errors. The Error "cURL Error code:77" indicates that JetBackup is encountering a problem with the Certificate CA path, leading to various backup/licensing-related errors.
This is caused by a recent CentOS 7 update of NSS and ca-certificate packages affecting PHP ZTS (Zend Threads).
If you see the following errors during your backups :
There was a failed license check. Error: Failed checking license (https://check.jetlicense.com/v2/). Error: cURL error 77: (see https://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html). Please visit the following link for more information https://docs.jetbackup.com/licensing_issue_notification.html
[25/Oct/2023 14:35:02 +0000] [PID 29246] Starting account backup for user
[25/Oct/2023 14:35:02 +0000] [PID 29246] [DEBUG] Failed listObjects(, 1). Error: (cURL Error Code: 77) (Code: 1)
[25/Oct/2023 14:35:02 +0000] [PID 29246] [DEBUG] Retry 1/5 listObjects(, 1)
[25/Oct/2023 14:35:02 +0000] [PID 29246] [DEBUG] Failed listObjects(, 1). Error: (cURL Error Code: 77) (Code: 1)
[25/Oct/2023 14:35:03 +0000] [PID 29246] [DEBUG] Retry 2/5 listObjects(, 1)
[25/Oct/2023 14:35:12 +0000] [PID 29246] [ERROR] Failed connecting destination "S3" (#650c671ba6d53c01136ec2a2). Error: (cURL Error Code: 77)
[25/Oct/2023 14:35:12 +0000] [PID 29246] [ERROR] There is no valid destinations [25/Oct/2023 14:35:12 +0000] [PID 29246] Backup Failed
To resolve this, please check if your services need to be restarted. You can do this using the command below :
needs-restarting -s
This will output all the services that need to be restarted. If you see jetbackup5d.service and jetmongod.service, please restart using the command below.
service jetbackup5d restart
service jetmongod restart
How do I avoid this error on other CentOS7 servers?
Due to varying cron schedules or update policies, it can take some time for yum updates to fully propagate across multiple servers. To manually update the CA certificates and NSS packages, please follow the steps below :
yum clean all && yum update ca-certificates nss* && service jetbackup5d restart