There have been some reports of JetBackup 5 Backups Aborting with the following error:
[ERROR] Backup job aborted from hook.
[ERROR] sh: /usr/local/jetapps/var/lib/jetbackup5/Core/Addon/JetBackupMC/Events/Backup_onStart: Permission denied
We have identified this issue as a bug when reinstalling the JBMC Backward Compatible Plugin (v1.0.0) after it is already installed. The Plugin Event Scripts, which are used to send information to a registered JetBackup MC Server, lose their Executable permissions on the reinstall. This results in the above error. In order to resolve this issue currently, please run the following command while the plugin is installed:
chmod +x /usr/local/jetapps/var/lib/jetbackup5/Core/Addon/JetBackupMC/Events/*
This will give each event the proper permissions and will allow backup jobs to continue.