FTP for WordPress: A Step-by-Step Guide

File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is the cornerstone of file management on the internet. If you're running a WordPress site, having an FTP account is indispensable for directly accessing your site's files without the need to log into the dashboard.

However, remember that FTP access is limited to your site's files and does not extend to databases.

Getting Started with FTP

You'll need an FTP client like WinSCPFileZilla or CyberDuck. Most hosting accounts have a built-in FTP server accessible via cPanel or their control panel, making managing your site's files easy.

CyberDuck FTP Client

What You'll Need:

  1. FTP Protocol: Determine whether your host uses FTP, SFTP, or FTPS. Each protocol has different security and connection mechanisms.
  2. Host Server Address: This can be an IP address (e.g., or a URL like ftp.yourdomainname.com.
  3. FTP Username and Password: These credentials are usually provided by your hosting provider.
  4. FTP Client: You can use your host's cPanel or a third-party client like CyberDuck and FileZilla.


Finding Your FTP Credentials

Your hosting provider should have emailed these details when you set up your domain. If you can't find them, here are links to retrieve FTP details for some major control panels and hosting providers:

If these links don't help, you can create a new FTP account via your hosting provider's control panel.

Using FTP to Manage Your Site

With your credentials and FTP client ready, you can transfer, modify, or delete your WordPress files. This level of access is powerful, enabling you to manage critical files like wp-config.php that are not accessible through the WordPress dashboard.

Logging In

  • Open FileZilla.
  • Enter Host Name: For example, ftp.domain.org.
  • Enter Username and Password: For instance, test2@domain.org.
  • Click QuickConnect.

You'll see your website's files on the right panel and your computer's directories on the left panel. The default directory for WordPress files is generally /public_html/<sitename>.

Transferring Files

To upload files:
Drag and Drop: Drag files from the left panel (your computer) to the right panel (your website).

To delete files:
Select Files: Choose the files to be deleted from your site.
Press Delete: Hit the delete key on your keyboard.

To modify files:
Edit Offline: Download the file to your computer, make changes, and re-upload it.

Security Considerations

FTP is crucial for transferring sensitive information securely. At JetBackup, we take extra precautions with customer data, ensuring all FTP credentials are encrypted and inaccessible, even to us.

Final Thoughts

Understanding FTP can significantly enhance your ability to manage and troubleshoot your WordPress site. Following the steps outlined, your site's files are always at your fingertips, whether you need to set permissions, update, or backup.

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