When using JetBackup for Linux, JetBackup Management Console, or JetBackup 5 Linux, the UI is hosted via JetApp's Jetlighttpd service. By default, the JetApps SSL Certificate is used which requires private browsing when loaded on most browsers. You may install your own SSL Certificate by editing the JetBackup Configuration File located here: /usr/local/jetapps/etc/lighttpd/conf.d/jetbackup.conf
Change the following line on the config file:
ssl.pemfile = "/usr/local/jetapps/etc/ssl/private/jetbackup.pem"
And specify the path to your SSL certificate:
ssl.pemfile = "{SSL_CERTIFICATE_PATH}"
Save the config file then restart the jetlighttpd service:
systemctl restart jetlighttpd
For SSL Certificates provided by Let's Encrypt, it is possible to assign more lines in the config file as follows:
ssl.privkey = "/PATH/TO/####.domain.net/privkey.pem"
ssl.pemfile = "/PATH/TO/####.domain.net/cert.pem"
ssl.ca-file = "/PATH/TO/####.domain.net/chain.pem"
once the file has been configures, restart the jetlighttpd service and you will be able to load the panel using the Server Hostname with the specified port:
JetBackup For Linux: https://{HOSTNAME}:3030
JetBackup Management Console: https://{HOSTNAME}:3031
JetBackup 5 Linux: https://{HOSTNAME}:3035