Create Destination Error: This destination path is already owned by other destination

On JetBackup 5, you may notice the following error when creating a destination that uses the same Backup Directory as another JetBackup Destination:

Error: This destination path is already owned by other destination in this server. (Destination: "NAME" ###################)

In order to increase the security of your backups, JetBackup has allowed only one Destination per Backup Directory.

For Example:

If you have an SSH Destination on Server 1 with backup directory set as /home/jetbackup/backups. Then in order to create an SSH Destination with the same credentials on Server 2, you must configure a unique path like /home/jetbackup/backups2.

The Read-Only option will allow you to add the destination on server 2 with the same backup directory set in server 1, however, you will only be able to Restore and Download the existing backups from a read-only destination. If you wish to use the original backup directory set on server 1 as a regular destination on server 2 then you must remove the .jetbackup file that exists in the backup directory. Using our example above, this will be at /home/jetbackup/backups/.jetbackup.



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