Rsync Backing Up Account Fails - Error: overflow

There have been some reports of accounts failing to back up with errors similar to this:

[ERROR] Failed transferring account "accountName" backup to destination "destinationName". Error: overflow: xflags=0x20fa l1=255 l2=828 lastname=<fileName>

rsync error: error allocating core memory buffers

If an account is failing to get backed up, something worth checking might be the content of the failing directory which can be found in the lastname parameter, like from the error above. When using rsync as a transfer method, a common problem is finding junk directories with multiple subdirectories inside of them. If each of those subdirectories has a long enough name, rsync may hit a memory limit causing the directory to fail.

An example of one of these directories might look something like this:

Example Directory tree using tree command:

tree -L 18
├── veryLongDirectoryName-ta(nera;Coe?np;fsspEa !eBo? ?hesc ;xrl;uoCot;o eEBtule l?tr B'<oAnetueueSnlndile)etPdMsEAePmedEjm(eA ?{snusoemE?n?imrnxiCaoami cossu?oCTetU   pHgx meser l?rmo'eepdiMedleaflrnleoiue)?esMo
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│               └── s ?'?MCeaNlx?sBascnYolct  te_?axeNoej ; sOd?EKlrM?=t?eld a_{nnuumoe'eds Eoe
│                   └── t$][p?_ =?votrx ;?iensa?ija?caa 
│                       └── a?rrs?0ce*r@*rqer g sA?  r  Haa  ss e e*s*uc *.de? ?s?ea et?a*he*oite
│                           └── e;a ?tr??u?q s=e]s ve$ip?tr[
│                               └── ;? rr vtstaei?ep?q?=?]sue[$ e as=?ee t?siq?t r?[vrp$;?]u
│                                   └── ?o_?srrpi[?va]ntp e$eeda  a?;?s=t
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│                                           └── @r.hao.sf?ler ??can ct e *?jalD 2 gaeap? saorn
│                                               └── at ?rl *nvt@s.u nareertiI  tnrr  e*i   af?sn.  ac  ?ui?*na?  hclx0 |pu e*cnol@.?C
├── veryLongDirectoryName-ta(nera;Coe?np;fsspEa !eBo? ?hesc ;xrl;uoCot;o eEBtule l?tr B'<oAnetueueSnlndile)etPdMsEAePmedEjm(eA ?{snusoemE?n?imrnxiCaoami cossu?oCTetU   pHgx meser l?rmo'eepdiMedleaflrnleoiue)?esMo

Please note, backing up such directories is possible with other transfer methods such as SSH and S3. However, if these directories are not necessary to back up, you can always exclude them from the account's backups. You can find more information on how to do this here:

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