No configuration files found

When performing a Disaster Recovery the error you may receive the following error:


"ERROR: No JetBackup configuration files found on this destination"


Please confirm that JB config backups were enabled on a previous destination. If they were, please check the destination details to ensure you are using the same destination as the one with the JB Config Backups.

If you did not have JB Config enabled, they are run as part of the Daily Task as a precaution. The JB Configs are automatically created with 7-Day retention.

In JetBackup4, the daily JB Config backup can be found on the local server at /usr/local/jetapps/usr/jetbackup/dailybackup

Verify that the above path exists and contains config backups. If so, go through the Disaster Recovery process using the above path and be sure to have the Master Encryption Key (JetBackup4) (JetBackup5) that was generated from the installation you are trying to recover. 

Additional causes


This error can also occur when attempting to perform Disaster Recovery in JetBackup5 on a destination created in JetBackup4. 

To solve this issue please verify that the version of JetBackup installed matches the version used to create the destination and corresponding config file. 

Additionally, the reverse scenario is also true as a JetBackup5 config cannot be recognized by JetBackup4.

This issue can be identified within the JetBackup4 reindex logs, in addition to the Disaster Recovery GUI message, by the following error.


[22 July 2022 09:22:19 PM +0000] JetBackup Version 4.1.1

[22 July 2022 09:22:19 PM +0000] Indexing destination "Disaster Recovery 1658524938280"...
[22 July 2022 09:22:19 PM +0000] Executing onReindexStart Hooks...
[22 July 2022 09:22:19 PM +0000] Pushing onReindexStart Notification...DONE
[22 July 2022 09:22:19 PM +0000] Pushing onReindexStart to Management Console...DONE
[22 July 2022 09:22:19 PM +0000] onReindexStart Hooks Done
[22 July 2022 09:22:19 PM +0000] Identifier "jetbackup_3_4_62a37be38df62b2ebd1ae3f4"...
[22 July 2022 09:22:19 PM +0000] Indexing Disaster Recovery Backups...[22 July 2022 09:22:19 PM +0000] [ERROR] invalid argument for replace: keys cannot begin with "$": "$oid"
[22 July 2022 09:22:19 PM +0000] Reindexing backups Completed



As with JetBackup5, this can be solved by verifying that the version of JetBackup installed matches the version used to create the destination and corresponding config file.

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